And you thought it had something to do with my favourite animal or those exams wizards have to take in their 5th year, didn't you? =P
One song, I have but one song....
Jennifer: But he doesn't talk!
Me: He talks a little bit.
Jennifer: He does? I thought he only sang.
Me: He says, "Wait, don't go!" Oh and he says "hello!" and "how are you!" and "please!"
Jennifer: ...What a deep thinker.
Good friends steal trousers. I'm going to quilt that on a pillow and give it to you.
I'm not mad. I'm just typing through a megaphone.
-Jonny while using CapsLock
On Apples to Apples
And for "easy" we have...sleeping pills and barfing!
The Giggle Twins Are the Giggliest People in the World:
Me: Tomorrow it's supposed to rain-rain-rain.
Kate: Rain-rain-rain? Different from rain-rain and rain?
M: Yes. Rain-rain-rain.
K: Rain-rain-rain.
Maggie: Are you guys saying "rain-rain-rain" to each other?
Both: Yes.
Corey: Oh good, because I seriously thought I was hallucinating for a second there and didn't want to say anything so I wouldn't look crazy.
Kate: He does too talk to you!
Me: Really? How so?
K: Well, he goes, "Hey Megan, blah, blah, blah, British."
Me: It was just banter.
Kate: It was banter with sparkles.
K: Brogan bought me my celebratory cheesecake.
M: Aww, what a sweetie. Literally.
K: Yup. Haha. the cheesecake I mean.
M: Psh, yeah, Brogan. You think this natural beauty
K: Natural.
M: It's like if a cactus and sandpaper got together and had a baby.
K: Yes, the love child of cactus and sandpaper is stubble.
K: And it smells so good. It's like peeling an orange...only grapefruit.
K: If you worry, you'll go crazy, and craziness is not fun. Because then they put you in a straightjacket, and that just seems uncomfortable, ya know? I mean, what if your nose itches? You can't do anything about it! So don't worry about it. And that's the moral of the story. =)
Silly Boys:
M:Where do we find these guys?
J:I have no idea, but can we put them back where they came from?
Just use any term for green, like sick bunny rabbits.
Yeah, did we know this guy or something? Or was Jonny just like Asian, Asian, YES!
-Tom N (recalling a party)
Chris: You're nottttttt fat, Megan! You just have little pockets of extra femininity at your sides.
Me: Those pockets are called FAT, Chris.
C: NO. Those pockets are called, "Man magnettttttttsssss"
Basically, I'm hoping I stay dedicated in my goal to be awesome with my tongue.
Elephant? What the hell is this?
-Chris (commenting on my jewelry)
Goddammit, Megan, I'm more of a woman than you are.
Giving's like taking a dump.
I cook, I clean, I fold my clothes...I'm a woman...
You sound like a boy going through puberty.
-Chris (commenting on my lovely sick voice)
I'm a Chia Pet!
-Andy (wearing tights)