Pre- and Post- Election Day

Friday, 9 November 2012

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Well hello.

I've decided to give this thing called vlogging a go, since I like editing in Final Cut Pro. Did I intend to rhyme there? The answer is no.

Some background to these "vlogs:"

The 2012 American Presidential Election was this past Tuesday (November 6th), and after downloading a trial version of Final Cut Pro the day before, I decided to make a "Go Vote" video as a test run. A "few" glasses of amaretto and coke along with the usual fit of late-night funnies may have also been involved in the decision-making and film-making/editing. The final project, cleverly titled "Vote, please?," ended up looking like this:

Approximately three or four days after Election Night, I stumbled upon a dessert with American flag packaging in our local Tesco, a grocery store chain in England. Anyway, the dessert looked pretty...catastrophic, so I opted for two slices of cookie dough cheesecake, which was on sale and also wrapped in American flag packaging. My curiosity satisfied and my stomach growling, I headed home. A few moments later, my housemate came in with his own Tesco bags, exclaiming "I've got things for the house!...limes, a bottle of tonic, a bottle of lemonade, a bottle of lime cordial, and this, which I found intriguing." Lo and behold, he unpacked that disastrous dessert. And that's when I decided to film us trying out this monstrosity and led to this second "vlog:"

I hope you enjoy them, and until next time, cheers!


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